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AuroraMooon • 1 year ago

My favourite kind of MC.

Joseph Gilbert • 1 year ago

lol lion stomp

Enve Me • 1 year ago

love how his beast stomped him then decided it wasnt enough and marled him afterwards

Guptchar7 • 1 year ago

This MC is a sick son of a bitc*. He's a borderline villain.

The hall elder's elaborate headdress can be used to steer her while riding from behind, very convenient.

vio • 1 year ago

villain? he let him off lightly compared to what was done to him and he even left him with the use of his arms so he can take his own life if he wants.

s00mebody • 1 year ago

Take his own life? There is no chance at that. Destroyed spirit pool and all bones broken make him as agile as breathing vegetable ;)

He made extra sure to prevent that option so his life lamp will turn off while he was few days away at the competition with thousands of witnesses. And the place he took him was so remote that they couldn't ever find him.

vio • 1 year ago

before he destroyed his own cultivation, he had the use of both of his arms which we saw when he grabbed Tan Yuns arm and he probably still has the use of them even though he was unconscious when trapped inside the cave. That gives him two options on how to end his life, either biting through the skin on his wrists to bleed out or by snaping his own neck. If he still has his storage rings, then that could offer other alternatives in general depending on what he has in storage.

s00mebody • 1 year ago

You already said it. "before he destroyed his own cultivation", MA often sustain broken bones with spirit power. Don't know here, but in novel... there is nothing but breathing vegetable in the cave

s00mebody • 1 year ago

Well, his big mistake why he died before to betrayal was his leniency and goodwill. All that he got was betrayal from all sides.

This ultra vengeful attitude is just byproduct of previous lesson. And that is now that he still didn't realise 1% of what the fuck happened after death. He only learns that in divine realm and you also need to think the warning in his first episode... this is his last reincarnation and this gives you a clue that there were many between the original death (which really isn't original, but that is a story of supreme divine realm) and this life.

Sadly animation cuts people short. There were around 1500 people on the boat and this is the site of his first mass murder. He kills around 4000 people.

But, the good news is that story finally geared up into next level. No more pointless debacles and squabbles. Now he will finally start rebuilding what he lost (some memories and one of his old swords) and this rebuilding will be on the roll

AuroraMooon • 1 year ago

He is right. Ever heard the saying “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me and fool me the third time I must have been a damn fool.” If you learn nothing from how people treat you they will continue to walk all over you, treat them how they treat you, even if it makes you out as the villain.
Being a good guy will get him killed, he already spared his life and that almost cost his last life.

Joseph Gilbert • 1 year ago

wow he old

james trenton • 1 year ago

Got damn datou. BEAT HIS ASS DA TOU! delightfully vicious one animal stampede.